CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Partner Amrap 21


HSPU or wall walks

Ring Dips

KB Snatch 35/25

150m partner run after each round



At 1:00, please do 1 synchronized Burpees

At minute three, 3 Burpees

At minute five, 5 Burpees…

At minute 19, do the final 19

If the clock strikes an odd minute while out on your run, you may do your Burpee’s once you return to the gym.

SCORE = Rounds and Reps of HSPU, ring dips, and KB snatch. Ignore the Burpees and the runs for scoring purposes. E.g. If you complete the round of 13, and you finish 15 handstand push-ups and 7 Dips, your score = 13+ 22

Extra Credit


8 at 55%, 8 at 60%, 8 at 65%, 8 at 70%

Back Squat (8-8-8-8)

Contact Us
757 Warehouse Rd Toledo, OH

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