
CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Weightlifting Hang Power Snatch (Triples, climbing ) Wod WOD (Time) 50-40-30-20-10 AKBS 53/35 Donkey kicks 5-4-3-2-1 Wall walks

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Strength WOD (Checkmark) Stop sign loaded carry You choose the load. You make carry a sandbag, a barbell, kettlebells, a hex bar, or share the yoke Conditioning 15-12-9-6-3 (Time) Deadlift 205/145 DDB S2OH or HSPU T2B or T2R

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Powerlifting Bench Press ( 5X3 climbing) Conditioning Amrap 11 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 16 box jump overs, 24/20. 8 HPC 135 | 95/65. 8 pushups 150 m run or 12/9 bike Extra Credit Bodybuilding Six minute finisher Extra (Checkmark) 8 browns (Tabata style) alternating dumbbell hammer curl and press. DDB…

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Weightlifting A: Clean and Jerk (Build to 90% +) Wod 9 rounds (Time) 4 C&J (60% of A) 4 BFB 4 kipping or 3 strict pullupsCJ may be power during the Met con, but please squat during the weightlifting portion.

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Speed Squats

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Power Snatch (2×2 @ 70,75 1×2 @ 80 1×1 @ 85) Clean (2×2 @ 65 3×2 @ 75 1×2 @ 80) Push Jerk + Split Jerk (5(1+1), climbing. Record top set. )

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit 4 rounds on the 7:00 (4 Rounds for time) 1 round DT 155/105 2 rounds Cindy 400m run DT= 12 DL, 9 HPC, 6 S2OH Cindy= 5 pull-ups, 10 pushups, 15 air squats

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Strength Thruster (Daily 2RM from the rack) Conditioning AMRAP 14 (AMRAP – Reps) 2-4-6-8-10… DDB hang cluster T2B/R cals

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Weightlifting Power Clean (OTMx10, weightlifter doubles, climbing ) Conditioning WOD (Time) 30-20-10 HPC 125/85 cal bike 7-5-3 MU, BMU, WW, or burpee pull-ups

CrossFit Toledo – CrossFit Partner WOD

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